Halloween in South Korea was a crazy good and awesome night, If you read my blog about it before you know what happened. I was able to hang out with friends in the popular neighborhood of Itaewon. It was full of thousands in the streets and my friend's wallet was even stolen. This was Halloween 2021 me and my friends.
Yesterday there was a disaster in Itaewon, the same big party event went on but it was nearly 100,000 people in the Itaewon area. The streets aren't too wide but putting this many people around the bars and clubs its basically body to body and very hard to navigate. So far as of right now, 146 people have died on October 29. They were trampled to death and squished to death without any way for the EMTs to break into the crowds to save them.
This was something that I participated in one year ago, and something that I know my friends and classmates participated in this year. The fear I feel knowing that some of my friends could have been there dying, helping others, or feeling scared for their life is terrifying. The pictures and videos that are coming out of the night are terrifying and depressing. I don't know how to feel, and I don't know how to react.
As of this moment, I am still unsure of some of my friend's safety, I know statistically, they are probably fine but this horrible worry is laced in my mind. I know that these poor people here could have been me if I was there one semester later. It could have been me.
My experience last Halloween was already scary since we had to go to the police station, weaving through thousands of bodies, and do it all with a little bit of alcohol in our system. I am hoping with all my heart that my friends are okay and I am sending love to those who were lost and had to witness their friends die without medical help. This is a process, knowing someplace I loved and visited held in my heart has had a horrible disaster. Please everyone be safe.